Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Fevers & Chills

Because he's the hero Nina deserves,
but not the one she needs right now.
The past few days have been filled with very high fevers and trembling chills. I found out yesterday I caught the rhinovirus, the common cold. Its so mild that I don't even notice it. I also started to develop a mild rash over my body. The fevers could be a result of the cold, or just SCT of my bone marrow trying to finally produce white,red, platelet, blood cells of its own. Today I learned my neutrophils were .2 so that is some encouraging news,

Now I'm not gonna go and claim Batman cured me of my fevers. But I just finished watching The Dark Knight Rises (yet again)... and when the nurse took my temperature during the movie everything was back to normal. I feel better too.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Was Too Sick To Post This Past Week

Here is a quick rundown of what I dealt with this past week.
A mix of strong nausea, extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, weakness, & just staying in bed.

Monday: Almost passed out after my shower. Nurses helped me. Head didn't feel right all day.
Tuesday: Head still throbbed. Threw up spit right before my stem cell transplant. SCT, uneventful- some cramps. Slept the day away mostly. Fever.
Wednesday: I got my first blood transfusion today. Santa came by with Carolers. Nausea continues...
Thursday: Husband donated platelets with my brother who donated blood. Throat starts acting up at night (mucosis begins). Pain in my esophagus. All I do is drink my food, can't eat anymore.
Friday: A really boring day, and of course felt terrible. Another fever. Got routine chest x-ray, everything ok.
I love my aunts <3
Saturday: Another boring day, still feeling terrible.
Sunday: A very good morning. My birthday, 2 aunts from Puerto Rico came for the day, my dad, my bro, his g/f, my other aunt, and my husband were here. I received my husbands platelets, throat starts to feel a bit better.
Monday: Received my brothers blood. Feverish all day since last night. Took a long nap, but feeling noticeably better in the evening. Another chest x-ray.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Guests Make Me Happy!

Completion of 3 miles!

My hubby's silly mask
Today I had a really great day, I woke up feeling more nauseous than the day before but I took a medicine that helped me pass the day. My husband walked with me for my daily laps, we did 2. He also drew a motivational reminder sign for my wall that says "Its NOT forever"... because thats how it will feel when I am at my worst. I had many guests today, my aunt & uncle came by with 2 other guests. Later my friend Kunga surprised me with her presence and hung out with me. My mom came late to sleep over. I walked my 3rd mile with her. I can feel myself getting weaker each day, but I'm pushing forward... doing what I can while I still can.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Day -3

Using the computer.
Today felt a little lonely in the morning because I sent my husband home last night, I wanted him to get a good nights sleep. I kept myself busy doing my usual routines of exercise and I drew some motivational words to put up on my walls. I also decided to use a streaming webcam so that anyone can see me through a browser instead of having people download programs like Oovoo or Skype if they don't want to. My husband and my friend came by in the evening and we hung out, it really made me happy :)

If you want to watch what its like to live in a room for 3-4 weeks check out my live NON XXX webcam here:

Exercise: 3mile walk, 20 squats

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 2, -4 in SCT Terms

Working with my gloves
and mask.
My little sister originally
bombarded it with decorations,
it was driving me nuts so I had
to take it apart.

Today I felt a bit of the fatigue that comes with chemo, it came and went throughout the day. For some reason walking the halls kept my energy up, surprising right? I know sometimes when your tired its good to exercise to feel energized, you wouldn't think so. Not so sure how that goes with my chemo situation, but so far its working. I kept myself busy setting up my dusty little old Christmas tree (I had to wipe it clean first) and then put up other decorations around the room.

They grew back considerably fast!
I noticed also that my eyebrows were finally noticeably growing back, but they will be bye bye again soon. At least I don't have to draw them in for a little while. Considering that I had some fatigue and nausea from time to time I had a really good workout day:
I walked 3 miles in the hallway, I did 50 squats, 200 crunches, 60 wall pushups and 20 lunges for each leg. That's what Batman would do. No excuses! Oh and my admission weight was 118, my appetite has been a little off. I EAT, but my stomach to brain connection is not normal. So I don't get hungry, I just eat when I know its time to eat. Not enjoying my food as much lately, its not bad, its just not DELICIOUS like normal. Its been like that for a few weeks now. Hopefully it doesn't get too bad, I need to keep the weight on!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The BIG Chemo Admission for SCT Day -5

Ice Skating!
Its 12-12-12! I did not realize this would be my admission date until someone told me yesterday. I hear its a lucky date :D Yesterday I had a check-up explaining my upcoming chemo/transplant. It was an early appointment so I was able to stay in the city and walk to Bryant Park to go ICE SKATING with my husband! We had a lot of fun, and didn't fall. I almost did, but I DIDN'T! On the way there we passed by Rockefeller Center.

Rockefeller Christmas Tree
Today I was admitted around noon and settled into my room. I didn't sleep too well last night so I was very tired all day. I don't feel nervous but maybe I am subconsciously anxious. I organized the room a little and found the energy to do some exercise. The best part of the night was when I tested and used my rooms computer webcam. I spoke to a distant cousin who I hadn't chatted with, let alone SEEN in a long while and we must have talked for almost 3 hours. Day one, success.

Exercise: 200 crunches, 1 mile walk in the hallway, 50 squats, & some resistance band exercises for the upper body.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Stem Cell Collection Attempt #2

Yesterday I was a human pin cushion. In addition to my 2 daily Neupogen shots to the back of my arm I had to receive a new Lupron shot to the side of my butt cheek and a Mozabil shot to the arm to boost stem cell production in my bone marrow.

I had mild nausea from the Mozabil and had a hard time sleeping because I kept waking up. I felt restless all night. Luckily this morning when I came in to collect my stem cells they placed me on a bed this time instead of a couch! WIN. Unfortunately during the 3 hour process I only slept one hour because I was still restless playing on my tablet. It was an unusually warm day so my husband and I went out to eat a sandwich for lunch and relaxed in a nearby park before my next appointment. Around 1:30 I went in for an EKG and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) where I met the best technician I've thus far worked with. He was really laid back and relaxed unlike others I've had. I hope I have him next time too. I also met a sweet & kind 86 year old woman who sat next to me in the waiting area to share her cancer story and spread her blessings. I'm not gonna lie, her words touched me so much she made me tear up.

I later went in to wait for another Mozabil shot for tomorrows stem cell collection. As we were waiting a nurse called me to let me know the good news. Today I collected over FIVE MILLION stem cells! I don't have to come back tomorrow because they have all the cells they need. I also didn't have to take the Mozabil shot or anymore neupagen shots! ^_^ The nurse told me... I will very likely be admitted for the STC next week... oh boy...

*I started a simple squat plan that I will continue throughout the holidays.