Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Exercised

My awesome husband
made these for us <3
I feel better today, not a lot better, but in comparison to the last 2 days I can manage to do things instead of lay in bed all day. I took full advantage & exercised: 3 sets of body weight squats, 200 situps (variations), dumbbell curl, overhead, side lateral/front raise & triceps. Whenever I felt winded I took it slow. That's all I'll do today, fatigue is sneaky these days.

Hey if you want a mental image, picture my little dog on my stomach as I did sit ups. She is so needy! Can't let me exercise, has to sit on top of me! I don't mind lately as I've been pretty needy too. I told Rick when people get sick for now on we will buy them a dog. Having a sweet dog cuddle next to you when you feel bad has really helped my spirits. (I'm officially a dog person :-o )

*SERIOUSLY my husband is AMAZING, he GETS me. HE KNOWS ME. I dreamed about him my whole life & he is real!