Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I Exercised

My awesome husband
made these for us <3
I feel better today, not a lot better, but in comparison to the last 2 days I can manage to do things instead of lay in bed all day. I took full advantage & exercised: 3 sets of body weight squats, 200 situps (variations), dumbbell curl, overhead, side lateral/front raise & triceps. Whenever I felt winded I took it slow. That's all I'll do today, fatigue is sneaky these days.

Hey if you want a mental image, picture my little dog on my stomach as I did sit ups. She is so needy! Can't let me exercise, has to sit on top of me! I don't mind lately as I've been pretty needy too. I told Rick when people get sick for now on we will buy them a dog. Having a sweet dog cuddle next to you when you feel bad has really helped my spirits. (I'm officially a dog person :-o )

*SERIOUSLY my husband is AMAZING, he GETS me. HE KNOWS ME. I dreamed about him my whole life & he is real!


Yolanda Caceres said...

♥ Wowwww, this is such lovely and tender gesture from the heart of someone who is truly in love...this is the way love should be, whole, complete, unconditional, and devoted... love you Jeannina Caceres & Rick Caceres ,God shower you with Loads of Blessings always ♥

Sabina, note there's no "R" said...

OMG! I love you guys so much, you are such an inspiration and make everyone around you want to be better people. God bless you guys!