I'm about to eat a big breakfast right now because it will be my only meal until after 5pm probably. I cannot eat 6 hours prior to my scan today so I will load up on some filling proteins & carbs like toast with eggs, plus some bad food too like Nutella maybe ;) I can't exercise either, you can't exercise 24hrs prior.
This scan is very expensive, my insurance hates to grant me permissions for it. My doctors have to usually request with a special note. Its awesome though, the images that it produces with x-ray, infrared lighting, and all that mumbo-jumbo. I have to get this radio active injection a half hour before I get scanned. I think of spider man every time I hear radio active and like to think that on PET scan days like this I'm extra cool because I'm radio active haha.
Wish me luck, & keep me in your thoughts today because Monday will be results day. Time is ticking!...>_<