Yesterday I was a human pin cushion. In addition to my 2 daily Neupogen shots to the back of my arm I had to receive a new Lupron shot to the side of my butt cheek and a Mozabil shot to the arm to boost stem cell production in my bone marrow.
I had mild nausea from the Mozabil and had a hard time sleeping because I kept waking up. I felt restless all night. Luckily this morning when I came in to collect my stem cells they placed me on a bed this time instead of a couch! WIN. Unfortunately during the 3 hour process I only slept one hour because I was still restless playing on my tablet. It was an unusually warm day so my husband and I went out to eat a sandwich for lunch and relaxed in a nearby park before my next appointment. Around 1:30 I went in for an EKG and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test) where I met the best technician I've thus far worked with. He was really laid back and relaxed unlike others I've had. I hope I have him next time too. I also met a sweet & kind 86 year old woman who sat next to me in the waiting area to share her cancer story and spread her blessings. I'm not gonna lie, her words touched me so much she made me tear up.
I later went in to wait for another Mozabil shot for tomorrows stem cell collection. As we were waiting a nurse called me to let me know the good news. Today I collected over FIVE MILLION stem cells! I don't have to come back tomorrow because they have all the cells they need. I also didn't have to take the Mozabil shot or anymore neupagen shots! ^_^ The nurse told me... I will very likely be admitted for the STC next week... oh boy...
*I started a simple squat plan that I will continue throughout the holidays.